Thursday, July 9, 2020


CHAPTER 5. RUNNING SAFE I'm going to outline some sensible rules that will keep you safe on the road or the trails. These are just a few precautions that will keep you from being injured or becoming a victim. 1) It's always a good idea to do a safety check before you go. Check your shoes are they tied? Do you know the route to going? Do the family know where your running to? I always make a point of telling my wife where I'm going on my run and roughly how long I will be; gives me and her peace of mind. 2) Make sure you are always running facing traffic never with your back to it. Keep an eye open for uneven road surface like cracks or potholes. It's very easy to trip and it can be nasty. If you are running on trails watch for tree stumps or branches or rocks on the running trail. 3) Make sure you are visible. This is crucial. Drivers must be able to see you. night-time this is especially so. Wear white or brightly coloured reflective clothing. Some running shoes have reflectors on the heel. Get them if you can. 4) Never run alone at night if possible. Even if you feel comfortable about it, it is always better to run with company. Plus, it's more fun. There is as the old saying goes, safety in numbers. Carrying a small torch night-time is always a good idea. You can buy special torches to fit on a cap. 5) Be sure to carry identification on you. Carry a driving licence, medical insurance or doctor's card and any other useful information. When possible carry your cellphone and be sure it contains your emergency contact number. I have used a running belt with a pouch which is quite handy to carry items with you on the run. 6) I never run with an iPod. I love using my iPod to listen to music but there's a time and a place. When you're running you need to avoid any distractions to all. Listening to music on the run certainly counts as a distraction in my book. I have heard of many accidents that have happened on the road because this advice was ignored. 7) Keep your eyes open and be alert for runners and cyclists and vehicles that could run across your path. When approaching a cyclist for example, call and let them know where you are and what's happening. This is a time to remember your childhood teachings on the highway code! 8) Carrying a cash card or actual cash is sensible even if you're not going far, because it will be useful in an emergency. You may need to purchase something or even get transport back to base. So here are some pointers to help you avoid any unpleasantness whilst you are training.

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