Thursday, July 9, 2020


CHAPTER 2. WHAT ABOUT DIET? WHY DIET? Well ,since you picked up this book, I assume you already have some idea why you want to diet,and realise that there is some graft involved if you are really serious. So, in this chapter we'll take a look at the obvious (and the perhaps not so obvious) reasons why you should diet. You see,it is one thing to get to your ideal weight and level of fitness,but its altogether another ballgame to remain there year in and year out. Perhaps you've tried a weight- loss diet/exercise program before, maybe lost a bit of weight even. Then,the pounds which melted off reappeared with a vengeance. You were worse off than before; 'cause now you're disappointed too! Never mind,just stick with the tips given here and it wont happen again. It is pretty much an established scientific fact that physical exercise contributes to one losing weight. Why? Simple; if you burn off more calories than you take in through consuming food and drink,you WILL LOSE WEIGHT. It's that simple. Let this message be your golden rule the standard of your life in terms of your ongoing health. Exercise more-lose fat more. That statement may not be correct grammar,but it is factual! Another thing that regular exercise and a sensible diet will do is cut your chances of getting some pretty horrible diseases. These are diabetes,heart disease,cancer and strokes. Everyone is aware that the stress of today’s world contributes in a major way to many folk dying prematurely through these and related illnesses. It's almost like there’s a conspiracy going on. The vicious circle of stress and our modern day sedentary life-style,where lack of exercise is endemic, all contribute to the misery and expense of ill health. No wonder the Western world health services are at breaking point! As one who used to suffer from prostrate problems (amongst others) I can tell you that the program in this book really works,if you'll work it. regular exercise/diet regime will reduce the risk of breast and uterine issues,and definitely lower your cholesterol,and blood pressure too. Later in this book I will address the issue of positive mental/mood changes that occur when one embarks on a program such as this. For now, suffice to say...its all good news. Through our Jog and Juice Plan, you'll also notice, that as you persist in your training your energy levels will increase dramatically. You will get a more positive focus and good sleep will be a doddle. We all need to have a sense of purpose in our lives,and exercise will do that for you. Get your goal firmly fixed and go for it! I will be looking at the social aspects of running and also ways to ensure you stick to the program and ENJOY IT too. It is not, as I've already mentioned a hard road,one that is difficult to do. Far from it. I will give you a plan for your exercise that's effective and fun to do as well. Different Kinds of Diets: Not all diets are considered to be healthy. In this day and age least in the Western world we are very much into eating junk food. Nutritionists believe that this diet poses serious risks to health and have very poor nutritional value for long-term benefit. This is true of course especially of fad diets also short-term plans of way to lose weight involving extreme dietary changes to the norm. I'm going to put here just a few of the many diets around today. Of course diets are ever-changing and come and go frequently. By the time you read this I guess it will all have changed! In my research I discovered an interesting list of diets from good old Wikipedia. Here they are; 1. Faith-based diets 2. Vegetarian diets 3. Weight control diets 4. Low calorie diets 5. Low carbohydrate diets 6. Crash diets 7. Other diets. This is simply an overview, because of the ever changing dietary landscape! Personally, I have tried various diets over the years. The only one that really has worked well for me is based on a vegetarian diet. Through trial and error I have discovered that this diet is the most natural the most nourishing and the most energising. You may totally disagree with this. That is your prerogative. But, please, be open to change as you continue through this book. I will say that my diet is mainly vegetarian because I do occasionally eat meat. However I have discovered that when I do, I never seem to have the same sharpness and energy level that I do eating through eating mostly plant based food. You may well have tried many diets over the years. Some may have worked some may have not. All I know is that the only one that ticks all the boxes for me is the vegetarian-based one. The regime based on the Hallelujah Diet made popular by Rev Malkmus is my diet of choice as,trust me, it gets results. Weight control Weight control is the main reason people have for dieting. But surely one's overall health should be the main criteria. It is scientific fact that good nutritious food coupled with good hydration coupled with plenty of rest and as a little stress as possible will result in a physical body well proportioned flexible and strong. Of course without exercise it all falls apart. That of course is the main reason that I wrote this book, because I could see how many times people have lost weight only to regain it again shortly afterwards! What a waste of time and money and energy. If you follow a plant-based diet coupled with regular running/stretching exercises, you will not only reach your ideal weight but stay that way indefinitely. Water... Water ! Frank Sinatra was reputed to have said "Water? I never drink the stuff ,it rusts you !" Well, he always did it his way, but he was wrong. Actually water is crucial to our lives naturally, but far more important to our health than people understand.. Fortunately it is commonplace nowadays to see guys carrying water bottles around with them. Obviously this message is catching on. Just think of water as a nutrient that your body requires. When your intake of water is less than your output of water, urination sweating etc. then you are in serious danger of becoming dehydrated. Have a Drink. Drinking water assists the body to maintain a balance of bodily fluids. As you probably know our bodies consist of at least 60% water. That's a lotta water! Water can help in calorie control too. Dieters have known for years how water can be used to fall the stomach into thinking it is full. So it certainly helps you to lose weight. How much should you drink? Doctors recommend at least six glasses or so a day. That sounds like a lot but sipped throughout the day is not so bad. So... the golden rule is drink drink drink!

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Easy Weight Loss With the Juice & Jog Plan

 #(The entire book is here for you to read gratis.) Copywrited to the author.Kenneth J Eden Thank you for purchasing# my book "Easy Wei...