Thursday, July 9, 2020

Easy Weight Loss With the Juice & Jog Plan

 #(The entire book is here for you to read gratis.) Copywrited to the author.Kenneth J Eden

Thank you for purchasing# my book "Easy Weight Loss With The Juice & Jog Plan That Works Fast" 

This small volume will answer some questions in your life. Questions such as "I've tried many times before to lose weight and get fit.  

Sometimes, I've succeeded and dropped off a little weight, and felt a bit better. But it always ended in disappointment. I always seem to pile back on the pounds I'd lost and felt worse than before. In fact, now, I have added guilt to my sense of failure! Why should 'Easy Weight Loss. ' be any better than those I read before?" Good question. My answer is contained in the pages that follow. 

The truth is, the question may be simple but the answer is a trifle more complicated. I will promise you, however, there is an answer here and given a little effort on your part it's a sure-fire winner! Yes- you will lose weight and by following the plan that I will outline, not only will you lose fat but you'll keep it off permanently. And that's not all; I'll prove to you that by following this program which is easy low-cost and fun, you too will do as I did and lose over a pound a day in weight easily and without starving yourself to death. Without using pills, potions or equipment of any kind. Does that sound interesting? Of benefit?

Later in this book, I will show you how I did it by relating my story on how I lost close to a pound a day within a week. And how my health improved dramatically. I hope you will find that this book is written in a direct simple conversational style, without jargon chart's or boring "step one... now -step two... now step three" etc. that you find usually in "how to.. non-fiction books.

Frankly, those books bore me to tears and I'm sure they do you too. And so this book contains my own experiences without the fluff and with relevance to the issues at hand. These experiences will hopefully demonstrate the vital health principles that I will share with you. Another purpose of this book is to encourage you. This is a vital element in weight loss and training that many books only touch upon.

I want you, my reader, to discover things about yourself that perhaps you weren't aware of before. I believe that when you have finished the last page you will be motivated enough to achieve far more than you could believe or imagine. You will surprise yourself. You will have more than a glowing complexion more than eyes that sparkle with health more than a slimline figure but a brand new phase of life also.


CHAPTER 10: PUTTING IT ALTOGETHER As we come to the final chapter, we'll have an overview by way of a reminder. In the first chapter I began by telling you that because of factors like lack of exercise and the general sedentary lifestyle we live today, many of us feel the need to lose some weight and to get fit. I then shared my own story of how I lost a substantial amount of weight in a relatively short space of time and got fit and strong keeping the pounds off to the time of this writing (2014) We saw that many people today have no real idea about diet or fitness although in their heart of hearts many long to understand and to benefit. I explained that the good news is that anyone who really desires to do so can achieve success. You might remember I mentioned the mythology and mystery that has surrounded this subject for so long. The simple truth is in order to lose weight you need to burn off more calories than you consume. It's that simple! I mentioned that no amount of dieting will help in the long run if the person refuses to have any form of exercise. It just doesn't work. You might lose a few pounds here and there but without exercising it will be a short-lived a project. I challenged you to take a look in the mirror and to superimpose an image of the you that you long to be. Now, let's take a look at chapter 2 and recap what we learned there. Chapter 2: I mentioned that as you persist in your training, you will find your energy levels dramatically increasing. We will have a more positive outlook and better quality of sleep. We also began to look at diet. The diet in the Western world leaves much to be desired! I then gave a list of the many diets (or some of them anyway) that are around today. You'll remember I mentioned vegetarian diets, low carbohydrate diets, crash diets, and many others. I mentioned that I had personally tried many over the years and found, for me anyway, that the best diet was plant-based with very little meat. The" Hallelujah Diet "which I mentioned was my diet of choice. But I want to point out that I have no connection with the company other than to read their occasional literature. I greatly respect Rev Malkmus, who has done intensive research into the subject of a natural diet, but that's as far as it goes. In this writing, my concern is to encourage and advise only. I am not trying to be some kind of dictatorial "Guru". The importance of water -- hydration was covered. To reiterate; one of the most common failings in diet and exercise control is a lack of understanding of the importance of water to health. I'll go even further; it is vital! Try to drink a minimum of five glasses a day and more in really hot weather. Chapter 3: By the third chapter, we got down a little bit more into the nitty-gritty. You stepped on the bathroom scales and checked your weight. Then hopefully you put on your trainers and went running. Just gently to begin with. Then we went on to walking briskly and then alternating with short easy runs. You probably felt a little stiff and tired after the first day but that is quite normal. The early stages- just like baby steps are always the hardest. I mentioned running stance, keeping erect looking straight ahead and moving in an easy flowing manner. You do this for 10 days at least. And then you get more ambitious. Once more I reminded you to hydrate well. Perhaps carry a water bottle. I then suggested that now was the time after about 10 days, to begin to pick up the pace a little bit of sprinting. You might remember that according to experts one minute of high-intensity running can help you lose up to 60% more calories than would happen through steady jogging. The next suggestion was to create for yourself -- or download from a running website such as Runners World a training log. These are very handy to have because they help you to keep track of your progress or lack of it. I still have mine from many years ago. Most instructive! I talked about the importance of making time for your running and training. Many of us are busy these days there never seems to be enough time in the day. But ask yourself, how much time you spend watching TV or reading the newspaper? We need to motivate ourselves to get up and do it! We will find the time if we really try. Chapter 4: You are starting to get really serious now. If you have been following my suggestions up to now you should be losing around about a pound a day of weight and feeling much more energetic. In Chapter 4 we looked stretching exercises. And noted how many runners and keep fitters generally overlook the importance of stretching prior to and post exercising. I then gave you a series of exercises. Seven steps which I hope you found helpful. We concluded the chapter by talking about various injuries that can occur through running and many other sports unless we take care to stretch and warm-up. Chapter 5: We looked being sensible and running safely. There were eight steps given. These were basic tips and hints that any runner would find very useful. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of following these basic rules. Unfortunately, most people live in urban societies which necessitates using footpaths and roads and other areas where traffic abounds. It's good to see many more cycle tracks being developed these days because these are ideal for running and walking in relative safety. The same is true of parks and open areas for leisure purposes. These are welcome developments. We looked out the importance of just simple things like checking our shoes are tied, leading family know where we're running to, always running facing traffic and never with our backs to it, watching for potholes and uneven road surfaces. We explored the importance of carrying identification such as a driving licence or medical insurance info etc. etc. Not to run alone night but to run where possible with others. This is especially important to you ladies. Carrying a small torch is helpful too. Another often overlooked tip is to never run whilst listening to music on your iPod. Running on the road being distracted is not a good idea! Being alert for other road users and carrying cash or cash card is also another sound idea. All this advice is to help you as it helped me to run safely and happily. Chapter 6: In the sixth chapter, I talked about the power of psychology. Naturally, we all agree about the importance of exercise otherwise you wouldn't be reading this book. However, it is not only the body which benefits but also the mind and yes even our emotions. It has been said as was mentioned, that running is least 90% mental. Amazing but true! You may recall a personal anecdote I shared with you about my anxiety prior to running my first race. But by putting the whole thing into perspective I was able to overcome fear. I found it was the fear of failure that was the culprit. I talked about the flow of endorphins that course around the body via the bloodstream causing what is called a" runners high". I also spoke about stress and how we deal with it and also the fact that running is an excellent way to lose those feelings of stress and attain a peaceful state. You could call it the "meditation of running." Running can control our moods. To quote from the chapter "Good physical training is important, but what goes on in your head will determine whether you'll win or lose, whether you'll be able to break through a psychological barrier or not-and whether you'll hold a medal in your hand and smile with satisfaction the end." Chapter 7: I gave an overview of sports clothing and shoes in this chapter. We saw that it is essential to get the right shoes for you. The correct footwear is crucial to ensure as little injury as possible. If you are a new runner you want to start as you mean to go on; my advice -- don't cut corners when it comes to the right running shoes. The importance of getting the correct size for your shoe was emphasised and a few tips are given. It was pointed out you may recall that oddly enough many people do not know accurately their own shoe size! This is a fact. In part two of the chapter, I covered clothing and accessories. You'll remember I spoke about dressing for weather conditions- the sort of clothing to wear and the sort of clothing you should not wear. I talked about for the ladies, of course, good supportive bras etc. and what to look for. Chapter 8: This chapter contained information about running with others as well as solo. I gave five reasons to run with the company and why it is my preference. To recap a little, we touched upon the fact that when running alone we have the benefit of having a little me time, where space can be given for our minds to run free -- to be wild and creative! Peace away from the hustle and bustle. As well as the creative flow, there is the spiritual side; if we are religiously inclined we can pray or quote scriptures or put our thoughts on things above. I covered listening to music-being careful whilst wearing iPods, to be aware of our surroundings. We looked at how we can enjoy the beauty of nature when we run through parks, trails and moorland. The beauty of running is being able to experience the joy of the countryside whilst taking in lungfuls of fresh air! There's nothing like it. I closed the chapter by giving five reasons to run with company. There was safety, companionship, encouragement, racing and of course fun. Chapter 9: The penultimate chapter in this book focused on how I lost 10 pounds in seven days with raw food juices coupled with a running regime. I spoke about the importance of drinking fruit and vegetable juices to top up the nutrition of the highest calibre. This gives the energy to exercise so that you are not starving hungry all the time. There is a modicum of discipline required. There is a certain truth in "no pain no gain" popularised by the weight loss videos of the 80s with Jane Fonda. It does take effort but it's well worth it! The formula- if I can call it that -of my method, is outlined really in chapter 9. Please reread it carefully. It will pay big dividends if you put it into practice. My wish for you is that you achieve your dream of a healthier, happier more vibrant life. Thanks for taking this journey with me. Let me know how you're progressing. If you benefited from reading this e-book, do me a favour and tell your friends on your social media. It would mean a lot. Look out for more books from "" soon.


CHAPTER 9. ENERGY MASTER KEY How I Lost 10lbs in 7 Days With Raw Foods I lost over 10 lbs in less than a week on my first Raw Juice diet! And, I was only running just a few miles a week at the time! What's more, I did it as easy as falling off a log. On previous attempts to 'fast' to lose weight and improve my health, I'd failed pretty miserably, and speaking of 'miserable,' that's exactly how I felt most of the time! However,I discovered a secret that is worth the price of this book just on it's own. Read on.... Enzymes You see, I discovered the magic of drinking raw fruit and vegetable juices to satisfy my bodies nutritional requirements. This method purifies whilst at the same time, it cleanses and strengthens the system with enzyme rich and delicious tasting fruits and vegetables. Enzymes are the life 'elements' in foods. They can be destroyed at high temperatures,so cooking is not advised; hence the term "raw". You will discover that drinking a pint or thereabouts of apple juice first thing in the morning, will spring clean your body quickly, and easily. Follow it with a glass of carrot juice for lunch and early evening and alongside a sensible cooked diet you'll soon begin to notice a positive change. It’s not so difficult. Trust me. Denying oneself is always hard, especially when it comes to food! I managed to eat 'my fill' never had hunger pains, never felt miserable and in fact, experienced more health and vigour Let me show you the method which got me such fast and effective results. Believe me,it really works,and you will seldom experience uncomfortable hunger symptoms. Why? Because you will be getting top quality nutrition into your body. The enzymes will course through your blood stream ,strengthening and purifying as they go. Clever little blighter’s! Not Just For Bugs Bunny If you prefer, have a carrot juice with a 1/3 of celery juice. You will need about 4 good size carrots and 3 celery sticks to make 1-1 1/2 pints. Keep that up for one week, replace a meal with a juice, and you will find that not only have you dropped several pounds, but you have done so without emotional or physical stress and strain. Skin Tone Incidentally, just by way of an extra bonus, your skin tone will improve, and energy levels will be heightened. That's what I call a bonus! You might want to learn more about raw juices and the raw food diet. There's an amazing and ever-growing wealth of information and support, out on the web. Juicing Magic Keep learning, keep juicing, and you will keep the weight down and optimize your health quickly and enjoyably. Its the perfect supplementary diet to accompany your physical training. You'll be surprised at just how many top athletes fuel-up and skinny down with delicious raw natural juices. Probably this combination of running high aerobic exercise and natural raw juice diet is the very optimum nutritional set-up for the person who truly values their health. Synergy I have always had a fascination about the synergy between food-drink-diet- exercise. It is truly amazing to realise just what a difference in mental and physical well-being can be achieved if you are determined to watch your fuel intake. Just try this programme and you will be convinced. My Personal Testimony of Healing Healing One day, several years ago, I came across a little paperback volume called "Raw Vegetable Juices "by N. W. Walker. Dr Walker was an amazing man, who pioneered around the turn of the century, a juicer (still being marketed today) and really the whole concept of extracting the juice from vegetables and fruits. In this way, he sought to get at the "essence"and dispose of the residual pulp, (basically just cellulose) thereby reducing the energy required to digest the food.. That would allow the body to obtain all the rich vitamins and minerals it needs for health and vitality. Walker also made a deep study of the effects of these juices on the bodies of sick people. He found that the food enzymes, which are complex substances that enable us to digest food properly, are hidden in the plants, and are released through the method of juicing in abundance. The juicing method, and consuming mainly raw plant foods(uncooked-unprocessed) caught on with many American's in the 60's and 70's, soon after, influencing Britain and Western Europe, and claims of all kinds of healing benefits were soon becoming apparent. I will spare you a more detailed analysis of all that Dr Walker discovered. You can easily obtain his writings by doing a Google search on the Internet, or via Amazon. As a firm believer in the power of God to heal, naturally I sought prayer from my friends and church family. I also decided to give juice therapy a try, too as my part of the deal so to speak. Cooked Food I stopped eating an almost completely cooked diet, the usual "meat and two veg. British meals" regime, and introduced my sick body to several pints of carrot juice daily, in tandem with green leafy salads , with tomatoes, celery, cucumber various peppers and so forth. All this nutrient rich raw food, soon began to markedly improve my health. The pain began to ease, and my energy levels shot up. Within 5 weeks, all pain had long gone and my prostate problem was history. Other benefits such as clearer skin, glossier hair, and better quality sleep were delightful unexpected bonuses! I was blown away with the results! From that time on (25 years ago now as I write this) I have settled on a mainly 65-70% raw food lifestyle. My overall health is good, and my appearance,so I am told, is that of a man appearing years younger than my true age. Now,you may well benefit markedly by simply upping your intake of fresh uncooked foods,juiced or as a salad meal. You don't have to copy my particular plan for it to be of benefit. Original Diet For that I thank God, whom I truly believe led me to the understanding and practice of a diet that could really be called the "original". You can find it incidentally, in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, (which means "the beginning") where Adam and Eve's diet is "the herbs of the field ... "and fruits. Nothing cooked, no animal flesh. So- that is my brief testimonial. Please note; I' m not giving this out as a formula,some sort of elixir for healing all diseases. All I am saying is that it worked for me,and it may well do the same for you. The real point of my relating this story is to encourage you,because when trying to lose weight,run and get fit,I know encouragement is an essential element in success.


CHAPTER 8. WANT COMPANY? In this chapter, I want to give you my five reasons to run either alone or with company. Many people see running as a solo sport. It doesn't have to be that way of course and so there are running clubs and various groups in most localities where one can go and find like-minded individuals to enjoy exercising with. However,there is a lot to be said for solo exercise as we will now explore. 1) De- Stress The first reason that comes to mind is that I like to run by myself from time to time because it is very easy to de-stress. This is a "me time", a time when I can be alone, when I can find space for reflection and when I can let the tensions of the day just ooze away as the miles go by. Just to get away from the hustle and bustle for 30 minutes or an hour or so is such sweet therapy. No emails,phone calls,TV chit-chat ad nauseum. Yes...this is the life! 2) Creative Flow So,yes it can be tough finding peaceful moments. Many is the time that I've wanted to "escape",and set off on a run only to be joined later by a runner coming alongside and striking up a conversation just when I was wanting to spend awhile with my own thoughts,perhaps seeking that creative spark to help clarify a particular problem I was encountering. It can be frustrating. Of course there are many benefits to running with others though,as I alluded to earlier on. We'll explore that later. Maybe you have experienced moments when the fog seemed to lift in your brain,and creative thinking took over? It's not an uncommon experience for regular joggers. It's great to feel that as you are de-stressing,getting your head cleared,and settling your thoughts that at the same time you are pumping oxygen around your system and getting your brain and the rest of your physiology, strengthened and healed; not to mention,possibly your main reason for exercising...losing oodles of unwanted fat. What a deal. And,as a bonus,you might well receive insight on how to deal with that problem you've been dealing with! 3) The Spiritual Side I don't know where you stand in the area of faith. Your religious beliefs in this sense are relatively inconsequential. The fact is though surveys have shown that the great bulk of humanity believe in a Higher Power,and an invisible spiritual dimension. Quantum Physics seems,on the scientific side,to concur with that statement too. For myself,as a committed Christian there have been lots of times when I have had a sense of euphoria whilst running. I'm not speaking physiologically here-endorphins and so on-the so-called "runners high", no, I'm speaking of a sense of oneness-and connectedness that I believe can only be described as "spiritual". Some call this "meditative running". It happens more when I run alone (and up to now) never when I run in company. I can't explain that. Often,I will pray -on -the- run, as I call it; sometimes for family,friends and people I pass as I'm exercising. The time goes by very quickly on these occasions. I come back in to shower and change feeling extra blessed from those kinds of runs. 4) Jogging With Sinatra There are times when it helps to run whilst playing music through your MP3 headset,and other times when it's a no- no, for instance when you are road running. Where there is traffic there is danger lurking. I have heard of terrible accidents happening to guys running the roads and shutting off their awareness by listening to stuff on their mobile player. NEVER run in traffic without having ALL your senses involved-especially hearing! be sure to wear bright,light clothing and be seen by traffic,and- to remind you of what has been covered earlier in this book-run towards and not away from the traffic flow. That way you can see them and they can see you. Now, having got that safety point out of the way,its great to be able to listen to the radio, or your favourite music ( I like Sinatra and big band jazz myself) on MP3 and , these days you can learn a language or listen to an audio book from Amazon or whatever, and make your training time even more beneficial. But be sure to do so running on trails,tracks or parks. Music in particular helps you keep in stride and to run rhythmically which is less trying. I recall learning a smattering of Spanish one time with a Lingua phone language course on my player. Fortunately,no one was in earshot to overhear my pathetic attempts at pronunciation,as far as I know! As a musician,I also learn melodies,song lyrics and structure which helps in my work as a part-time entertainer. All whilst I'm in the process of getting slim,getting fit and having a good time. I hope by now,you are too. 5) Kaleidoscopic Views Being fortunate enough to live amidst the beautiful scenery of Somerset and Devon in the South West of England, I'm spoiled for choice when it comes to places to run in safety. Getting bored isn't an option. There are coastal paths,moorland trails, hills and valleys galore. Then, where I live we have a circular cycle path around the town perimeter too. Now you,dear reader may not have all that. You may live in a built up area with little country side to offer close to hand. Well, all is not lost because you are bound to have a park area, possibly school track and playing fields and some quiet roads or lanes to run along. If so, vary your routes as much as you can. That will help break the monotony that can set in. Also,think about running with others. This leads us nicely into the next section. We have looked at five reasons to run alone,now lets look at five reasons to run with company: Five Reasons to Run With Company 1) Friendship Running for weight loss and fitness is not expensive and apart from basic equipment such as shoes and clothing, it's free of the need for equipment (unless you really must have your own treadmill!) and you can simply lace up and take off running. You can run with freedom any time anywhere (within reason) you fancy and as we have seen,alone or with others. Now,I'm pretty gregarious and by and large, I enjoy company. When I began running,it wasn't too long before I was invited to join the local running club. I was immediately encouraged to see,on my first visit,just how great they looked. No belly bulge,sagging shoulders double chins. No,they were lean fit and ready to zip! I was hooked. I joined. I trained, twice a week. I even raced. And the pounds melted away. In no time at all I felt like a pro. and started to bring home the odd medal or two. Above all after the "Loneliness of The Long Distance Runner" period, I began to look forward to regular runs. Friendships were formed that have endured to this day, 25 years later. We have trained together, laughed together and yes, cried together as we walked (or rather ran) through life. I still had times of training alone,as did all the others in the club. However the camaraderie we enjoyed was precious and although we are not all as regular as we once were,most of the guys are still fit, running and hardly a one has piled on the pounds. So,number one reason for me is friendship. 2) Safety We have covered safety several times in this book ,but it wont hurt to mention it again in the context of running with a club. the fact is that there is safety in numbers. It's safer in traffic,you can be spotted more easily by motorists, and its safer at night and when running in ill lit areas. Ladies prefer company and naturally feel much safer exercising together, than running alone. 3) Companionship. You can have fascinating conversations with runners. It's not always about nipple rash and groin injuries you know,or what happened at their last race,or their PB time. O.K, yeah,those subjects do come up fairly regularly,but well- you learn to live with it. In fact it will soon become your topical theme before too long,so don't be so critical! Seriously,you will have fun,get lots of sound advice and eat up the miles much quicker than you ever would on your own. Also,you will be able to more easily forget the pain you may be suffering at the time. 4) Encouragement A problem runners all face especially when they are in the "newbie" stage is one of what my former teacher called "stick-ability". It is a fact that many people who join a programme for weight loss,fitness,stopping smoking,drinking or whatever,quit in the first few weeks,or even days in some cases. Why? Lack of motivation. Our society today is not big on encouragement. Every human being needs to be encouraged. Linking yourself to a local running club will definitely help you to hang in and stay motivated for the long term. The old saying about birds of a feather sticking together works in this scenario,because when you are with people with similar mind set you'll get carried along through the ups and downs. The knowledge that your pals are looking to you also for support is in itself a pretty powerful incentive. 5) Racing--who me? A little earlier in the book, I shared about racing. Now you may not have the slightest interest in competition. I can understand how you feel because that's precisely how I felt. But,when it was explained to me by the group that we are really only competing against our own best time for the distance we are running (know as PB or personal best) I changed my mind because I could see the fun and the benefit in doing so. Still,it is not of course essential that you enter racing. The choice is yours. All I am attempting to do is to encourage you based on my own experiences.


CHAPTER SEVEN: SHOES & STUFF Get Well Shod: In this chapter we will be looking at the sorts of shoes and clothing required. Perhaps the most important of these is running shoes. It is essential to get the right shoes for you. The right pair of shoes will ensure injury and accidents will be minimised as much as is possible. If, unfortunately, you choose the wrong type,you'll suffer the consequences,as this author knows to his cost. Cost is the operative word too,because decent running shoes are not cheap,as a hunt around the net or stores will prove. Since this is a principal decision for you, I am going to list four helpful tips you need to know. 1) The first suggestion is that you hone in on smaller specialist stores. You will find that by and large they are more helpful and knowledgeable than the larger ones. Often,they have more time to interact with their customers,and that is good for you because you don't want to be rushed in your decision to buy. This applies specially if you are a newbie to the sport,and looking to make your first purchase. 2) Inevitably,you will be quizzed about your mileage per week,the sort of surfaces you usually run on,and if you are or are planning to compete in races. They might perhaps check out your running style if they have the equipment. All in all they will gather as much information as they can about you so as to ensure providing you with just the right pair of trainers to suit. 3) If you are already running, come in the shoes and socks you are regularly using and if,like myself, you use gel heel inserts, be sure to bring them along too,or risk getting a fit which will be too tight when you get home and try out your new ones! Your assistant will certainly be checking your current shoes for wearing patterns. You may be an overpronator for instance and wear your shoe heel down on the inner edge. That is commonplace,and normally you'll be provided with shoes that are specially designed to correct the problem. As a helpful aside; since feet tend to swell during the day, plan to shop as late in the afternoon as possible when they are more their regular size. 4) This brings me rather neatly to my final point: Don't assume you know your correct size. That might seem a strange thing to say. Who doesn't know their own shoe size? Well,that’s what I thought too! However,according to my sources at Runners World (a publication I strongly recommend) the foot can change in length and width, often because of pregnancy or factors such as fallen arches,and, because of that its recommended one buys a pair of shoes that are a half or even a full size larger than the norm. I wish I had known that when I started out running. Boy, it would have saved me a lot of pain! Another point about size; different brands differ widely on sizes. Watch this one. When it comes to running shoes, to paraphrase an old saying..SIZE MATTERS. Before we leave the subject of shoes, let me point out that,as mentioned earlier in this chapter,good shoes are not cheap. Expect to spend at least £60 --£130 (or whatever your own currency equivalent is) for a decent pair that will last well. T hats not even top end incidentally! One can pay much more. You can't afford -forgive the pun-to pick up a "fashion" pair from a dime-a- dozen store,and not risk physical injury and the misery that goes with it. Not to mention potential medical bills."Cheap"is always a false economy. One final point: Be sure to test run the shoes prior to purchasing. This might seem obvious,but surprisingly few do this. Don't be rushed. Walk about the store for a few minutes,if they have a treadmill,ask to use it briefly. If there is space to do so,gently jog around-get a feel for the support and comfort. Don’t forget to ask for the sort of guarantee given on the shoes. Most regular runners will get through a pair of trainers in less than six months believe it or not. Always write the date of purchase on the box the shoes come in. That way you can keep track of when you are next due to purchase again. So,now you are armed with some helpful advice regarding shoes-let us look at other items of clothing you might need . Clothing and Accessories: One thing I love about running to lose weight and keep fit is that it is a sport where you do not need to bother too much about fashion clothing or costly gear. Once you have those shoes we have just discussed, that's almost it. Of course this is from a man's standpoint. The ladies probably have a different point of view. Basically, it's best just to wear what is comfortable. Bear in mind that many newbie runners overdress at the beginning. You need to be careful about weather conditions. Once you're warmed up the extra body heat produced will make the temperature feel at least 15° warmer. Therefore if the temperature were around 53 to 55° you will be okay being fairly lightly dressed in shorts and T-shirt. In colder weather you could wear tights and sweatpants and a long-sleeve sweat shirt. I like to wear Gore-Tex myself. The choice is yours. Ladies This one is special to the ladies; make sure that you are wearing a good supportive sports bra. Well fitting and not too stretched out. Bear in mind that frequent washing will cause the fabric to lose the elasticity so it will need to be replaced. another thing you might like is a timepiece, which in the world of running is usually called a chronograph. They have some pretty colourful ones available probably pink! Personally, I like to use an MP3 headset on long runs. For safety reasons never on the road but just on the trails. It helps to break the boredom that can set in. I like "Swinging Sinatra "-- how about you? Do you like company when you're running? More information in the next chapter.


CHAPTER 6. ALL IN THE MIND The Psychology of Running. As most people would agree,physical exercise is beneficial for the body. Blood is oxygenated and purified. The muscles and ligaments are conditioned and,importantly,the immune system is improved. Stress levels are lessened,and the overall mood is enhanced. However,what is often underplayed is the fact that movement is of great benefit to the brain. Oxygen reaches the brain because of the improvement in circulation,which greatly enhances it's functioning, hence greater focus and increased memory and learning capacity. The positive outlook that results from this can also protect from mental diseases like altzheimers and dementia. Some people make the mistake of thinking that a simple exercise such as running,could never provide the sorts of benefits we are talking about here. Well, all I can say is that even a cursory glance on the world wide web will display a wealth of facts and figures to support this statement. Just google some thing like "medical benefits of exercise/running" and you'll see my point. In this book I have outlined some of the benefits we receive from running. But it has been said that running is least 90% mental .I don't know whether that's completely true or not but it does sound highly likely. Our mind controls all we do. Certainly our experience of running, our strategies and our motivation are all matters of the mind. Thought always precedes action after all. Here,by way of illustration is a little experiment in how the mind affects the body ; Imagine a bright yellow, plump and juicy lemon. You squeeze out the juice into a glass tumbler. You slowly sip it. It is so tangy, it buzzes on your tongue . If you are not beginning to salivate now, I would be very surprised! I will always remember my first ever race. I could not understand why I felt so jittery. I trained hard, I knew the run the terrain and so on,and had lots of friends alongside me ready to run this 10k with me. But,the nerves were still there. I tried deep breathing,stretching and trying to blank my mind,but my stomach felt like a butterfly farm! Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I was putting too much stock in the importance of what I was doing. Its a run, I am not a soldier about to cross into dangerous enemy territory! For heavens sake, its just a race. Hopefully,I wont get court martialled or shot when I cross the finishing line! If I do! Thats the gist of what ran through my mind. "If I do." Ah... that's it....really...its all about FEAR OF FAILURE. Well, as soon as I reasoned all that out,I began to feel a whole lot better. Of course I had expectations. Others had expectations of me. I'd determined to try to beat other guys in my age bracket,who were also newbies to the sport. I had inadvertently piled STRESS on to myself. But when I lowered my standard to "less than perfect",it was all much much easier to handle. I've taken that approach-that viewpoint ever since,not just when it comes to running,but life generally,and it has served me well. To sum up; "If it doesn't matter,never mind! as the saying goes. There is no doubt that running imparts many benefits of a psychological nature. In a programme of regular running, that old bogeyman called stress is overcome. We can be the winner! Our confidence and character are boosted. There is a confidence that comes from running that very few sports can give. We begin to feel that no matter what life throws at us we have the ability to get on the road or the trails and run and run and run. Tension melts away. We begin to flow in our stride and life takes on a brighter hue. The flow of endorphins which results from running, produces in us, what is called famously the "runner's high". It's a great feeling. As we are in the business of not only getting fit but losing weight, this feeling of empowerment is even stronger. There is nothing like the buzz you get seeing your weight dropping off and strength and flexibility returning. Your skin becomes clear, sleep patterns improve and there is a general sense of well-being. when you look in the mirror and see all that is taking place that is even more of an encouragement. So, I trust that you now beginning to get motivated to losing weight and getting fit by running for your life. As a frequent public speaker, I have discovered that when I'm running I am solving problems and getting all sorts of ideas about my next talk. It's amazing. I can sit at home pondering problems trying to figure out what to do in a situation and end up frustrated. However, as soon as I slip on my trainers and hit the road or trail I find a freedom and an inspiration welling up on the inside. This is precious time, running alone in a meditative state. Maybe its the subconscious mind or, if like myself, you are a person of faith, perhaps a prayerful attitude that can envelop you that's the reason for it? I don't know. But,when alls said and done-does it matter? It works! If you are in a bad mood,especially in anger mode,a run will sort you out quickly. As the miles fly by,your negativity will melt like a snowball in the desert. Try it,and you'll see. This sport has been used for years to help those who suffer with one of the most prevalent diseases of today's high pressure world-clinical depression. Doctors and Psychologists all agree on the mental and emotional release that a regular training programme can bring to sufferers of this problem. It is better than drugs,because there are no side- effects to worry about. A well known running expert once said "Good physical training is important,but what goes on in your head will determine whether you'll win or lose,whether you'll be able to break through a psychological barrier or not-and whether you'll hold a medal in your hand and smile with satisfaction at the end." Now I know that most of you reading this weight loss keep fit book, are not planning to be serious athletes and run races,although I hope you will. I mention the quote above because it is a great motivational one,and what’s more it's true,and not some new-age psycho babble. So,yes...set your sights as high as you dare and stretch yourself to the limit. You can only fail when you quit. Better to 'smile with satisfaction' don't you think?


CHAPTER 5. RUNNING SAFE I'm going to outline some sensible rules that will keep you safe on the road or the trails. These are just a few precautions that will keep you from being injured or becoming a victim. 1) It's always a good idea to do a safety check before you go. Check your shoes are they tied? Do you know the route to going? Do the family know where your running to? I always make a point of telling my wife where I'm going on my run and roughly how long I will be; gives me and her peace of mind. 2) Make sure you are always running facing traffic never with your back to it. Keep an eye open for uneven road surface like cracks or potholes. It's very easy to trip and it can be nasty. If you are running on trails watch for tree stumps or branches or rocks on the running trail. 3) Make sure you are visible. This is crucial. Drivers must be able to see you. night-time this is especially so. Wear white or brightly coloured reflective clothing. Some running shoes have reflectors on the heel. Get them if you can. 4) Never run alone at night if possible. Even if you feel comfortable about it, it is always better to run with company. Plus, it's more fun. There is as the old saying goes, safety in numbers. Carrying a small torch night-time is always a good idea. You can buy special torches to fit on a cap. 5) Be sure to carry identification on you. Carry a driving licence, medical insurance or doctor's card and any other useful information. When possible carry your cellphone and be sure it contains your emergency contact number. I have used a running belt with a pouch which is quite handy to carry items with you on the run. 6) I never run with an iPod. I love using my iPod to listen to music but there's a time and a place. When you're running you need to avoid any distractions to all. Listening to music on the run certainly counts as a distraction in my book. I have heard of many accidents that have happened on the road because this advice was ignored. 7) Keep your eyes open and be alert for runners and cyclists and vehicles that could run across your path. When approaching a cyclist for example, call and let them know where you are and what's happening. This is a time to remember your childhood teachings on the highway code! 8) Carrying a cash card or actual cash is sensible even if you're not going far, because it will be useful in an emergency. You may need to purchase something or even get transport back to base. So here are some pointers to help you avoid any unpleasantness whilst you are training.

Easy Weight Loss With the Juice & Jog Plan

 #(The entire book is here for you to read gratis.) Copywrited to the author.Kenneth J Eden Thank you for purchasing# my book "Easy Wei...