Thursday, July 9, 2020


CHAPTER 9. ENERGY MASTER KEY How I Lost 10lbs in 7 Days With Raw Foods I lost over 10 lbs in less than a week on my first Raw Juice diet! And, I was only running just a few miles a week at the time! What's more, I did it as easy as falling off a log. On previous attempts to 'fast' to lose weight and improve my health, I'd failed pretty miserably, and speaking of 'miserable,' that's exactly how I felt most of the time! However,I discovered a secret that is worth the price of this book just on it's own. Read on.... Enzymes You see, I discovered the magic of drinking raw fruit and vegetable juices to satisfy my bodies nutritional requirements. This method purifies whilst at the same time, it cleanses and strengthens the system with enzyme rich and delicious tasting fruits and vegetables. Enzymes are the life 'elements' in foods. They can be destroyed at high temperatures,so cooking is not advised; hence the term "raw". You will discover that drinking a pint or thereabouts of apple juice first thing in the morning, will spring clean your body quickly, and easily. Follow it with a glass of carrot juice for lunch and early evening and alongside a sensible cooked diet you'll soon begin to notice a positive change. It’s not so difficult. Trust me. Denying oneself is always hard, especially when it comes to food! I managed to eat 'my fill' never had hunger pains, never felt miserable and in fact, experienced more health and vigour Let me show you the method which got me such fast and effective results. Believe me,it really works,and you will seldom experience uncomfortable hunger symptoms. Why? Because you will be getting top quality nutrition into your body. The enzymes will course through your blood stream ,strengthening and purifying as they go. Clever little blighter’s! Not Just For Bugs Bunny If you prefer, have a carrot juice with a 1/3 of celery juice. You will need about 4 good size carrots and 3 celery sticks to make 1-1 1/2 pints. Keep that up for one week, replace a meal with a juice, and you will find that not only have you dropped several pounds, but you have done so without emotional or physical stress and strain. Skin Tone Incidentally, just by way of an extra bonus, your skin tone will improve, and energy levels will be heightened. That's what I call a bonus! You might want to learn more about raw juices and the raw food diet. There's an amazing and ever-growing wealth of information and support, out on the web. Juicing Magic Keep learning, keep juicing, and you will keep the weight down and optimize your health quickly and enjoyably. Its the perfect supplementary diet to accompany your physical training. You'll be surprised at just how many top athletes fuel-up and skinny down with delicious raw natural juices. Probably this combination of running high aerobic exercise and natural raw juice diet is the very optimum nutritional set-up for the person who truly values their health. Synergy I have always had a fascination about the synergy between food-drink-diet- exercise. It is truly amazing to realise just what a difference in mental and physical well-being can be achieved if you are determined to watch your fuel intake. Just try this programme and you will be convinced. My Personal Testimony of Healing Healing One day, several years ago, I came across a little paperback volume called "Raw Vegetable Juices "by N. W. Walker. Dr Walker was an amazing man, who pioneered around the turn of the century, a juicer (still being marketed today) and really the whole concept of extracting the juice from vegetables and fruits. In this way, he sought to get at the "essence"and dispose of the residual pulp, (basically just cellulose) thereby reducing the energy required to digest the food.. That would allow the body to obtain all the rich vitamins and minerals it needs for health and vitality. Walker also made a deep study of the effects of these juices on the bodies of sick people. He found that the food enzymes, which are complex substances that enable us to digest food properly, are hidden in the plants, and are released through the method of juicing in abundance. The juicing method, and consuming mainly raw plant foods(uncooked-unprocessed) caught on with many American's in the 60's and 70's, soon after, influencing Britain and Western Europe, and claims of all kinds of healing benefits were soon becoming apparent. I will spare you a more detailed analysis of all that Dr Walker discovered. You can easily obtain his writings by doing a Google search on the Internet, or via Amazon. As a firm believer in the power of God to heal, naturally I sought prayer from my friends and church family. I also decided to give juice therapy a try, too as my part of the deal so to speak. Cooked Food I stopped eating an almost completely cooked diet, the usual "meat and two veg. British meals" regime, and introduced my sick body to several pints of carrot juice daily, in tandem with green leafy salads , with tomatoes, celery, cucumber various peppers and so forth. All this nutrient rich raw food, soon began to markedly improve my health. The pain began to ease, and my energy levels shot up. Within 5 weeks, all pain had long gone and my prostate problem was history. Other benefits such as clearer skin, glossier hair, and better quality sleep were delightful unexpected bonuses! I was blown away with the results! From that time on (25 years ago now as I write this) I have settled on a mainly 65-70% raw food lifestyle. My overall health is good, and my appearance,so I am told, is that of a man appearing years younger than my true age. Now,you may well benefit markedly by simply upping your intake of fresh uncooked foods,juiced or as a salad meal. You don't have to copy my particular plan for it to be of benefit. Original Diet For that I thank God, whom I truly believe led me to the understanding and practice of a diet that could really be called the "original". You can find it incidentally, in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, (which means "the beginning") where Adam and Eve's diet is "the herbs of the field ... "and fruits. Nothing cooked, no animal flesh. So- that is my brief testimonial. Please note; I' m not giving this out as a formula,some sort of elixir for healing all diseases. All I am saying is that it worked for me,and it may well do the same for you. The real point of my relating this story is to encourage you,because when trying to lose weight,run and get fit,I know encouragement is an essential element in success.

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Easy Weight Loss With the Juice & Jog Plan

 #(The entire book is here for you to read gratis.) Copywrited to the author.Kenneth J Eden Thank you for purchasing# my book "Easy Wei...