Thursday, July 9, 2020


CHAPTER 8. WANT COMPANY? In this chapter, I want to give you my five reasons to run either alone or with company. Many people see running as a solo sport. It doesn't have to be that way of course and so there are running clubs and various groups in most localities where one can go and find like-minded individuals to enjoy exercising with. However,there is a lot to be said for solo exercise as we will now explore. 1) De- Stress The first reason that comes to mind is that I like to run by myself from time to time because it is very easy to de-stress. This is a "me time", a time when I can be alone, when I can find space for reflection and when I can let the tensions of the day just ooze away as the miles go by. Just to get away from the hustle and bustle for 30 minutes or an hour or so is such sweet therapy. No emails,phone calls,TV chit-chat ad nauseum. Yes...this is the life! 2) Creative Flow So,yes it can be tough finding peaceful moments. Many is the time that I've wanted to "escape",and set off on a run only to be joined later by a runner coming alongside and striking up a conversation just when I was wanting to spend awhile with my own thoughts,perhaps seeking that creative spark to help clarify a particular problem I was encountering. It can be frustrating. Of course there are many benefits to running with others though,as I alluded to earlier on. We'll explore that later. Maybe you have experienced moments when the fog seemed to lift in your brain,and creative thinking took over? It's not an uncommon experience for regular joggers. It's great to feel that as you are de-stressing,getting your head cleared,and settling your thoughts that at the same time you are pumping oxygen around your system and getting your brain and the rest of your physiology, strengthened and healed; not to mention,possibly your main reason for exercising...losing oodles of unwanted fat. What a deal. And,as a bonus,you might well receive insight on how to deal with that problem you've been dealing with! 3) The Spiritual Side I don't know where you stand in the area of faith. Your religious beliefs in this sense are relatively inconsequential. The fact is though surveys have shown that the great bulk of humanity believe in a Higher Power,and an invisible spiritual dimension. Quantum Physics seems,on the scientific side,to concur with that statement too. For myself,as a committed Christian there have been lots of times when I have had a sense of euphoria whilst running. I'm not speaking physiologically here-endorphins and so on-the so-called "runners high", no, I'm speaking of a sense of oneness-and connectedness that I believe can only be described as "spiritual". Some call this "meditative running". It happens more when I run alone (and up to now) never when I run in company. I can't explain that. Often,I will pray -on -the- run, as I call it; sometimes for family,friends and people I pass as I'm exercising. The time goes by very quickly on these occasions. I come back in to shower and change feeling extra blessed from those kinds of runs. 4) Jogging With Sinatra There are times when it helps to run whilst playing music through your MP3 headset,and other times when it's a no- no, for instance when you are road running. Where there is traffic there is danger lurking. I have heard of terrible accidents happening to guys running the roads and shutting off their awareness by listening to stuff on their mobile player. NEVER run in traffic without having ALL your senses involved-especially hearing! be sure to wear bright,light clothing and be seen by traffic,and- to remind you of what has been covered earlier in this book-run towards and not away from the traffic flow. That way you can see them and they can see you. Now, having got that safety point out of the way,its great to be able to listen to the radio, or your favourite music ( I like Sinatra and big band jazz myself) on MP3 and , these days you can learn a language or listen to an audio book from Amazon or whatever, and make your training time even more beneficial. But be sure to do so running on trails,tracks or parks. Music in particular helps you keep in stride and to run rhythmically which is less trying. I recall learning a smattering of Spanish one time with a Lingua phone language course on my player. Fortunately,no one was in earshot to overhear my pathetic attempts at pronunciation,as far as I know! As a musician,I also learn melodies,song lyrics and structure which helps in my work as a part-time entertainer. All whilst I'm in the process of getting slim,getting fit and having a good time. I hope by now,you are too. 5) Kaleidoscopic Views Being fortunate enough to live amidst the beautiful scenery of Somerset and Devon in the South West of England, I'm spoiled for choice when it comes to places to run in safety. Getting bored isn't an option. There are coastal paths,moorland trails, hills and valleys galore. Then, where I live we have a circular cycle path around the town perimeter too. Now you,dear reader may not have all that. You may live in a built up area with little country side to offer close to hand. Well, all is not lost because you are bound to have a park area, possibly school track and playing fields and some quiet roads or lanes to run along. If so, vary your routes as much as you can. That will help break the monotony that can set in. Also,think about running with others. This leads us nicely into the next section. We have looked at five reasons to run alone,now lets look at five reasons to run with company: Five Reasons to Run With Company 1) Friendship Running for weight loss and fitness is not expensive and apart from basic equipment such as shoes and clothing, it's free of the need for equipment (unless you really must have your own treadmill!) and you can simply lace up and take off running. You can run with freedom any time anywhere (within reason) you fancy and as we have seen,alone or with others. Now,I'm pretty gregarious and by and large, I enjoy company. When I began running,it wasn't too long before I was invited to join the local running club. I was immediately encouraged to see,on my first visit,just how great they looked. No belly bulge,sagging shoulders double chins. No,they were lean fit and ready to zip! I was hooked. I joined. I trained, twice a week. I even raced. And the pounds melted away. In no time at all I felt like a pro. and started to bring home the odd medal or two. Above all after the "Loneliness of The Long Distance Runner" period, I began to look forward to regular runs. Friendships were formed that have endured to this day, 25 years later. We have trained together, laughed together and yes, cried together as we walked (or rather ran) through life. I still had times of training alone,as did all the others in the club. However the camaraderie we enjoyed was precious and although we are not all as regular as we once were,most of the guys are still fit, running and hardly a one has piled on the pounds. So,number one reason for me is friendship. 2) Safety We have covered safety several times in this book ,but it wont hurt to mention it again in the context of running with a club. the fact is that there is safety in numbers. It's safer in traffic,you can be spotted more easily by motorists, and its safer at night and when running in ill lit areas. Ladies prefer company and naturally feel much safer exercising together, than running alone. 3) Companionship. You can have fascinating conversations with runners. It's not always about nipple rash and groin injuries you know,or what happened at their last race,or their PB time. O.K, yeah,those subjects do come up fairly regularly,but well- you learn to live with it. In fact it will soon become your topical theme before too long,so don't be so critical! Seriously,you will have fun,get lots of sound advice and eat up the miles much quicker than you ever would on your own. Also,you will be able to more easily forget the pain you may be suffering at the time. 4) Encouragement A problem runners all face especially when they are in the "newbie" stage is one of what my former teacher called "stick-ability". It is a fact that many people who join a programme for weight loss,fitness,stopping smoking,drinking or whatever,quit in the first few weeks,or even days in some cases. Why? Lack of motivation. Our society today is not big on encouragement. Every human being needs to be encouraged. Linking yourself to a local running club will definitely help you to hang in and stay motivated for the long term. The old saying about birds of a feather sticking together works in this scenario,because when you are with people with similar mind set you'll get carried along through the ups and downs. The knowledge that your pals are looking to you also for support is in itself a pretty powerful incentive. 5) Racing--who me? A little earlier in the book, I shared about racing. Now you may not have the slightest interest in competition. I can understand how you feel because that's precisely how I felt. But,when it was explained to me by the group that we are really only competing against our own best time for the distance we are running (know as PB or personal best) I changed my mind because I could see the fun and the benefit in doing so. Still,it is not of course essential that you enter racing. The choice is yours. All I am attempting to do is to encourage you based on my own experiences.

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